Mrs. Nichole Shank

nshank (at)

What’s happening in the ART ROOM


Students continue to learn bout how artists use color, shapes and forms in their art work.

Artists we will learn about: Mondrian, Charley Harper and Henri Matisse.

Home/School connection: Help strengthen fine motor skills by practicing cutting wherever/whenever you can!

Take turns playing EYE SPY with colors, shapes and forms.

Grade 1

2D vs. 3D art and Color Theory

Artists we will learn about. Joan Miro and Josef Albers

Home/School connection: Grocery store or kitchen cabinet EYE SPY. Take turns looking for cylinders (cans and jars) or rectangles (cereal boxes, mac & cheese boxes) etc.

Grade 2

Art Around the World

This is a 3 month study about Art and Culture. This unit is designed to support the classroom study of the continents. The main goal of our journey is to use visual art as a way to open conversations that both celebrate and embrace diversity in he world.

Home/School connection: Look at a map and share your stories about places you’ve been and the experiences you have had.

In the late Spring we will invite family and friends in for an art show accompanied by a musical performance honoring our our artistic journey.

Grade 3

Animals in Art seen through the eyes of both artist and Illustrators.

Home/School connection: Read picture books together and compare different styles and depictions of animals both as characters as well as their visual representations.

Grade 4

How artists use shapes. The art of geometry.

Artists we will look at: Wassily Kandisky and Joan Miro

Home/School connection: Help strengthen hand & eye coordination by having fun with rulers, stencils or any tracing tools. Use the language of shapes ie. square/cube, triangle/pyramid, parallel line (=), intersecting line (+)etc.

Grade 5

Patterns in art. Weaving, textiles and craftsmanship

Home/School connection: Look around your house and talk about how/where things are made. ie. rugs, clothing, furniture, dishware, family keepsakes etc. What was their journey to end up in your home?

Grade 6

Ancient civilizations and the connection to past cultures through their art forms. ie. Knights and armor

Artist will be looking at : Albrect Durer and Leonardo Da Vinci

Home/School connection: What is the oldest thing you own? Does it have a story? Ask your child what their most cherished possession is and why?

Grade 7

In 7th grade we practice VTS. Visual Thinking Strategies: Basically we look and practice 2 way conversations about artists and their stylistic choices.

Comparing Modern Day Art forms to that of Ancient civilizations: What are the connections? How much has really changed/why?

Supporting classroom connections in Social Studies. ie. Egypt and Greece

Home/School connection: Have fun looking and talking about art. What you like and what you may not and Why? Our island is an amazing resource for exploring the arts. From our hospitals, to movie theaters, to galleries, coffee shops and more . It’s everywhere you look.

Kids of this age want a voice ( about everything), but they also need to understand that there is always more than one way to look at something. The conversations can be be very rich as long as all voices are heard and you can respectfully agree to disagree at times.

Grade 8

Art Through the Ages. Continue with the VTS method from grade 7.

Artists we will learn about: Frank Stella, Alexander Calder, Pablo Picasso, Mark Rothko and more.

Home /School connection: Have a discussion about what type of at you like and why? The “why” is the most important part of each lesson.

The goal by the end of 8th grade is to leave with a basic knowledge and voice about different styles/phases in art along with an appreciation for what artists do, have done and the changes over time.