The Edgartown
School Advisory Counsel (SAC)
The following was taken from the website sited below.
State law: The principal co-chairs the school council, which is a representative, school-based committee, composed of the principal, parents, teachers, community members and, at the secondary level, at least one student. The principal works with the council to identify the educational needs of the students attending the school, review the annual school budget, and prepare a school improvement plan. The plan addresses issues such as professional development, student learning time, parent involvement, safety and discipline, and ways to meet the diverse learning needs of the students in the school. Each school council in the district submits its school improvement plan annually to the school committee. If the school committee does not review the plan within thirty days of receipt, the plan is deemed to have been approved. (G.L. c. 71, [[section]] 59C)
The main responsibilities for the school council are:
- Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local education policies and statewide student performance standards.
- Identifying the educational needs of students attending the school
- Reviewing the school budget to support advisement of school improvement plan
- Formulating the school improvement plan
Co-Chairs – Dr. Shelley Einbinder, Principal and Alicia Knight, Teacher
Pam Hurley, Teacher
Karen Bressler, Community Member
Stephanie Immelt, Community Member
Mike Joyce, Community Member
Elizabeth Barnes, Parent
Andressa DaCosta, Parent
Martina Thornton, Parent
Beth Zeller, Parent
The council generally meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00AM in the Edgartown School Faculty dining room.
School Advisory Council 2019-2020
Edgartown School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2020 10-11am
SAC Members Present:
Dr. Shelley Einbinder, Beth Zeller, Elizabeth Barnes, Karen Bressler, Pam Hurley, Mike Joyce, Martina Thornton and Alicia Knight
Minutes by: Alicia Knight
Approval of Minutes
- March minutes approved
2019-2020 SIP:
- Reviewed 2019-2020 SIP goals and discussed progress made in each target area.
- Share:
- Youth Task Force is working on cyber bullying (document shared with Council at a later date)
- Lucy Calkins, Teacher College writing training is still happening – 4 day Zoom in July
- Moving from subject specific goals to broader goals
- Must consider what each area can and will look like to make it achievable
- Services/Professional Development opportunities available for staff to identify needs of families
- Supporting families by developing schedules and streamlining resources
Next Meeting Date MAY 5, 2020 at 10-11 am. On ZOOM
- Review and refine draft of New SIP goals
Edgartown School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
March 10th, 2020 10-11am
SAC Members Present:
Dr. Shelley Einbinder, Beth Zeller, Elizabeth Barnes, Pam Hurley, Stephanie Immelt, Martina Thornton and Alicia Knight
Minutes by: Alicia Knight
Approval of Minutes
- February minutes accepted as amended
- COVID-19 updates come from Dr. D’Andrea’s office
- Board of Health and the Superintendent decide if schools close
- Writing Goal – 3 separate Summer Institutes will take place (K-2) (3-5) (6-8). Align writing and provide local opportunities for professional development.
- 397 students – current enrollment
- 2 wk ELL program in Edg. In July
- Robotics camp in August (only extra program offered in August)
- Summer School in July
- SCIENCE GOAL Shelley and Alicia met with K. Gelinas and D. Faber to discuss this goal
- Science Goal was written 3 years ago with a focus on the Next Generation Standards.
- Suggestion to re-write goal to focus on K-4 teachers, building supports and materials
- TIMELINE for SIP Goals:
- Have a draft of SIP Goals completed at our April meeting.
- May, present to staff for feedback and refine at May meeting
- June, Shelley will present SIP goals to School Committee
Brazilian Community Involvement – Leah Palmer (Island-Wide Director of ELL)
- Brazilian Community Luncheon – 8th grade fundraiser 3/28
- ELL program registration (4/4) – add a luncheon to this date?
- Censes information at the registration – encouraging everyone tofill out this form. It’s safe to fill it out – CONFIDENTIAL Luncheon at the end of the ELL program in the summer
- Luncheon at the end of the ELL program in the summer
- Information regarding the Corona Virus – using What’s App with Edgartown parents. How can we have more mechanisms into place to get information to more of the social groups – this virus is just one example (social media?) Remember to consider equal access.
- Websites can have links to improve communication
- Parents are interested in being involved in the SAC but the time is a conflict. (Before school or evening times are best for this population)
- IDEA: School Outreach Committee to help bridge the communication with all families
- Voicemail – to communicate information to families Next Meeting Date April 14th, 2020 at 10-11 am
- IDEA: School Outreach Committee to help bridge the communication with all families
Next Meeting Date April 14th, 2020 at 10-11 am
- Social Studies Goals
- Draft of SIP Goals
Edgartown School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2020 10-11am
SAC Members Present:
Dr. Shelley Einbinder, Beth Zeller, Stephanie Immelt, Mike Joyce, Martina Thornton, Pam Hurley and Alicia Knight
Minutes by: Alicia Knight
Welcome and Introductions
- Membership and Council Expectations – General information reviewed
Approval of Minutes
- January minutes accepted as amended
- 5 Year Strategic Planning Committee
- Advisory / Communication
- New Initiatives
- Scheduling
- Equity for All
- PD Planning – Social Emotional Learning
- PD ELL and Special Education
- PD Writing
- Fundraiser luncheon for 8th Grade Trip featuring Brazilian Cuisine on Saturday, March 28th. Eat in Carry Out
- Social Emotional Learning
- Brain Fitness and Sensory Hallway discussed. Wondering if the SEL or New Initiative Committee is working on this. Zipper Boards for younger grades?
- De-escalation training for teachers up and coming
- RC “Quiet Time” in schedule to provide time for students to settle. • Tomorrow’s School Committee meeting will feature Nicole Barlett to share Health and Wellness Committee update.
- Richie Smith is working on designing a summer institute on island focused on Lucy Calkins writing. Waiting on confirmation on this.
- Looking at our 2 goals in writing this initiative next year will help us to meet our goals. Consider refining the goal to focus on the Lucy Calkins work. Wait to hear from Richie on the plan for next year before rewriting this goal. What will be supported by the Superintendent.
- Idea for the PD Writing Committee to give recommendations tot SAC on the Writing Goal
- Family Math Night planned for April 14th
- Vertical math meeting planned for tomorrow, 2/12/20
- TIMELINE for SIP Goals:
- Have a draft of SIP Goals completed at our April meeting.
- May, present to staff for feedback and refine at May meeting
- June, Shelley will present SIP goals to School Committee
Next Meeting Date March 10th, 2020 at 10-11 am
- Brazilian Community Involvement – Special Guest, Leah Palmer
- Science and Social Studies Goals
Edgartown School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2020 10-11am
SAC Members Present:
Dr. Shelley Einbinder, Beth Zeller, Stephanie Immelt, Mike Joyce, Andressa DaCosta and Alicia Knight
Minutes by: Alicia Knight
Welcome and Introductions
- Membership and Council Expectations – General information reviewed
Approval of Minutes
- December minutes approved
- A draft of the minutes will be sent to members prior to the next meeting.
- Committees were formed and work has begun. They are inclusive of all faculty members. There are 8 committees in all. Staff members have volunteered to share the beginning of their work with the School Committee meeting tonight.
- 5 Year Strategic Planning Committee
- Advisory / Communication
- New Initiatives
- Scheduling
- Equity for All
- Professional Development (PD) Planning – Social Emotional Learning
- PD ELL and Special Education
- PD Writing
SAC requests updates on committee work
BUDGET – increasing money to support writing next year (workshops and training)
School Improvement Plan
- School Environment and Social Curriculum
- Committees to support this area
- Beth shared about “Sensory Hallway.” Brain Fitness is happening now but the hallways are open to all students as well as Aerial Yoga. How might we incorporate this into other areas? Is there equipment that has been purchased that could be shared? Learning about sensory needs so young students are identified. Consider adding this topic to a committee and including OT teachers in this conversation.
- Health Education
- Health class is implementing Michigan Model
- Decision making, accepting differences and building skills is at the core of this curriculum.
- No LGBTQ specific units
- Sexual harassment – CONNECT to End Violence comes in and talks about gender stereotypes – healthy vs. unhealthy relationships and mentions a variety of types of relationships.
- Teaching tolerance and acceptance for all.
- Brazilian Community
- In Brazil, parents are not involved in schools.
- Ideas – beginning of year meeting with parents to explain to parents how the school system works, why the parents should be involved, sharing the different cultures in Brazil and US.
- Questions: Any suggestions on how to bridge communication gap?
- Food, Parties, Beginning of Year, Culture Dinner This topic will be continued as an agenda item next month. Next Meeting Date February 11, 2020 at 10-11 am
Next Meeting Date March 10th, 2020 at 10-11 am
- Brazilian Community Involvement – Special Guest, Leah Palmer
- Science and Social Studies Goals
Edgartown School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2019 10-11am
SAC Members Present:
Dr. Shelley Einbinder, Pam Hurley, Beth Zeller, Karen Bressler, Elizabeth Barnes, Stephanie Immelt and Alicia Knight
Minutes by: Alicia Knight
Welcome and Introductions
- Membership and Council Expectations – General Information shared and discussed. This working document will be shared electronically.
- Request for members to RSVP to Pamela Alwardt before meetings.
Approval of Minutes
- November minutes approved
- A draft of the minutes will be sent to members prior to meetings.
- Shelley recently presented budget to School Committee and Staff. 394 students currently enrolled. 10 years of data show consistent ELL growth. She has asked for an additional ELL teacher and an interpreter in the 2020-2021 budget.
- Committees were formed and work has begun inclusive of all faculty and staff members. There is a total of 8 committees in all.
School Improvement Plan
- School Environment and Social Curriculum
- RC workshop offered over the Summer
- Consider adding “including parent education for ELL families” and “interpreters for specific events ie. Open House and Curriculum Night” in #2
- Writing
- Shelley went to a Teacher’s College Leadership Institute: Supporting Whole School, Whole District Reform in Literacy. She’s looking at PD opportunities in writing for the 2020 year.
- Science, Social Studies and Math
- Vertical work
- Math – fluency practice at home and PD training happening
- Health Education
- Health class is implementing Michigan Model . A member asked if LBGTQ is included.
Discussion/To Do:
- Provide the SAC with a list of the committees formed by Shelley.
- Recommendations – SEL committee could survey staff (asking staff what they need) and consider how RC and DD looks or is implemented in different grades.
Review of Next Meeting Date January 14, 2019 10-11 am
Dear Faculty, Staff, and Edgartown School Community,
Please see the Final (Approved) 2018-2019 Improvement Plan (SIP) in the file cabinet section of this page. The SIP has been carefully crafted by our School Advisory Council (SAC) with input from the faculty and staff. This final draft was approved by Superintendent D’Andrea at the Edgartown School Committee meeting on June 6. Thank you to all the individuals who helped work on this important blueprint as well as those who provided input. This SIP covers a variety of topics and lays out a detailed plan to make our school a better place to learn.