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Edgartown School Calendar
Tuesday, February 18thPTA Meeting 8:15 am Time And Location Change
Meeting will be in the staff dining room at the Edgartown school. This is a time and location change. Please plan accordingly.
Wednesday, February 19thEdgartown School Spelling Bee 8:45 am In The Gym
Winners of the classroom bees will compete to represent the Edgartown School and the all island spelling bee.
Monday, February 24th — Friday, February 28thFebruary Break-No School
Wednesday, March 12thProfessional Development-Noon Dismissal
Friday, March 14thMatilda Jr. the Musical!
7 pm
Edgartown School Gym
More information
Saturday, March 15thMatilda Jr. the Musical!
2 pm
Edgartown School Gym
More information
Monday, March 17thShamrock Fun Run and Community Meeting 8:30am
Parents welcome
Tuesday, March 18thPTA Meeting 8:15am
In the conference room
Vineyard Smiles Dental Clinic at School
Wednesday, March 19thVineyard Smiles Dental Clinic at School
Thursday, March 20th8th Grade Fundraiser! Dine to donate at the Wharf Pub
Tuesday, April 15thPTA Meeting 2:45pm
In the conference room
Monday, April 21st — Friday, April 25thApril Vacation-No School
Tuesday, April 29thParent Teacher Conferences-Noon Dismissal
Thursday, May 1stParent Teacher Conferences-Noon Dismissal
Monday, May 5thParent Teacher Conferences-Noon Dismissal
Friday, May 9th“A” Band Students to Great East Music Festival
Thursday, May 15thKindergarten Parent Orientation Night 6:00pm-7:00pm
This is a parent only event
Tuesday, May 20thPTA Meeting 5:30pm
In the school library
Friday, May 23rdMarch To The Sea 1:30pm
Monday, May 26thMemorial Day-No School
Wednesday, May 28thProfessional Development-Noon Dismissal
Friday, May 30th4th Grade Page To Stage 1:30pm
Monday, June 2nd — Friday, June 6th8th Grade Trip To NYC and Philadelphia
Wednesday, June 11th8th Grade Recognition Day 1:00pm
Friday, June 13th8th Grade Graduation 5:00pm
At the Old Whaling Church
Monday, June 16thField Day
Tuesday, June 17thField Day Rain Date
Wednesday, June 18thLast Day Of School (with 5 snow days)-Noon Dismissal