Ms. Kara Gelinas
You have reached the web page for Ms. Gelinas.
Welcome e bem-vindo!
Hello fifth grade students! I hope you are all having a fun-filled summer and spending tons of time in nature and at the beach. I am so excited to meet you all and I can’t wait to get our year started. I will be your science and math teacher this year. Fifth grade is a really fun year in school. It is hard work, but I think you will find that it feels really good to learn so much and to have more independence in school.
In science class this year, we will learn about everything from atoms, which are so tiny they are invisible, to space, which is so big it is difficult to even understand. We will start the year learning about physical science which includes matter, energy, and some scientific laws like the Law of Conservation of Energy. It sounds complicated, but I promise it is not!
In math we will learn using Tang Math. We will review what you know from 4th grade and build on that. The big topic for fifth grade math is fractions. Love ’em or hate ’em, you’ve got to halve ’em!
Summer work for math is to practice your multiplication facts. Shoot for 3-5 minutes each day. Summer work for science is to get off your screens and get outside!!!!!
See you soon – Ms. G
Students will need the following:
- One three-ring binder 3-inch size, not the velcro kind
- One package of dividers to separate sections in the binder (paper type is fine)
- Three-hole punched, lined paper for science notes
- Three-hole punched graph paper for math
- Pencils